Symphytum grandiflorum hidcote blue
Symphytum grandiflorum hidcote blue

Dieser Kontrast lsst ihn grazil und gleichzeitig wild und widerstandsfhig erscheinen. Das aparte helle, beinahe weie Blau der Bltenbltter hebt sich vom Dunkelgrn des Laubes ab. Rau und behaart prsentiert sich sein Blatt. Zart und apart erscheinen seine kleinen Blten. Symphytum Hidcote Blue’ Sprays of tubular, blue, flowers April and May. Symphytum grandiflorum 'Hidcote Blue' ist ein Meister des Gegensatzes. Best in moist well-drained soil in partial shade. Please note: if Government advice or our staffing situation suddenly prevents us from dispatching, then rest assured that your plants will be reserved and cared for until such a time as we can dispatch again. Orders are currently placed on this understanding. SYMPHYTUM (Comfrey) A vigorous ground covering plant. Suggested uses Beds and borders, Cottage/Informal, Ground Cover, Low Maintenance, Wildlife Cultivation Grow in sun or partial shade in moist, moderately fertile soil. Also, orders with multiple boxes, may be separated in transit, but should be with you shortly. Symphytum 'Hidcote Blue' (Comfrey 'Hidcote Blue') will reach a height of 0.45m and a spread of 0.45m after 2-5 years. Current delivery times are up to 1-2 weeks.Ĭurrent volumes of orders with courier companies are very high, so occasionally there are delays regarding delivery. We are accepting orders and dispatching them as soon as we can. If you're showing any of the symptoms of coronavirus, or if you've been in contact with anyone that has the virus in the last 10 days, please don't visit. We'll continue to provide hand sanitiser and stick to our high standards of cleanliness. An upright clump-forming rhizomatous perennial with oval, wrinkled and veined mid-green leaves.

symphytum grandiflorum hidcote blue

Similar in height to Hidcote Blue, grandiflorums height.

symphytum grandiflorum hidcote blue

Often grown in borders or shade gardens due to its dense foliage and attractive spring flowers. See below Description Comfrey is a perennial groundcover in the Boraginaceae (borage) family native to Europe. In England, wearing a face covering is a personal choice, although they are recommended in crowded and enclosed places. Dwarf comfrey is a medium to low growing, dense, clump forming and assertive perennial ground cover. sim-FY-tum gran-dih-FLORE-um This plant has low severity poison characteristics. The safety of our visitors and staff remains our top priority. Hidcote Blue Hidcote Blue is an erect then spreading, clump-forming, rhizomatous perennial with ovate to elliptic, wrinkled, mid-green leaves and pendent.

Symphytum grandiflorum hidcote blue